This morning I made it to the hangar well before sunrise. It’s a nice time to work, on occasions when I would not rather be sleeping. I removed yesterday’s fiberglass handiwork and started with the finishing process.
I used the belt sander to trim the edges clean, and applied the first round of filler. While I had the filler mixed up I also applied a little bit more to the windshield fairing.
With those parts ready to cure for a little while, I started working on the cowling structure. I installed the steel support strips that go in the ends of the aluminum channels. I also trimmed the channels so that they are flush with the fiberglass or firewall flange, as applicable. I drilled the holes in the cowl at the firewall station to make them the right size for screws. I also did more work on the landing light mount in the nose bowl. I’m going to use the shrinker to make a curved bracket that will fit the shape of the nose bowl and support the top of the light.