I’ve decided to put the FT-90 Gold Cube fuel flow transducer aft of the firewall, between the gascolator and engine. It will end up being right under the pilot’s left foot. The wires come out of the top, so I made a bracket that will provide some space between the floorboard and the cube. I wasn’t able to find much in the way of installation instructions for the FT90. What I did find explained the orientation (wires up) and suggested flex lines going to and from the sensor. I wondered if this would be necessary in a case where the sensor is rigidly mounted, so I emailed the manufacturer and asked. They said that the flex lines were intended to dampen vibrations that could cause erratic readings. Since I’m not sure if I’m even going to be able to use this sensor due to the flow issues, I’m going to install it for now with hard lines since they are available and more durable. If I get erratic readings, then I’ll know that replacing those lines with flexible alternatives will be the first step towards fixing them.