Yesterday I installed the oil filter adapter, but didn’t have a socket big enough for the vernatherm. Today I have the socket, so I torqued it to specs and installed safety wire. I welded the aft end of the brace tube for the oil cooler, which will go between the engine case above the number 2 cylinder and the back left baffle.
I removed the rudder cables and turnbuckles to turn them into flap cables. I wanted to try and get the length of the two cables as close as possible, so I used a rope to tie the triangular junction to the fuselage.
The outboard ends of our flap tubes were not drilled yet, so I spent a while looking at the plans. There isn’t a lot of room for error in the geometry of the wing root end, so I measured carefully to get the angle of that inboard horn
correctly. The most accurate dimension that I found to measure was the distance from the center of the hole to the rear spar, measured with a square. I used that method to position the tube angularly, and shifted it left-right to line up with the cable. Then I drilled a small #40 hole at the outboard end of the tube. I installed a cleco and drilled the other side, then enlarged those holes to 3/16″ for the AN3 bolts.
This is certainly an instance that calls for measurning twice.