At this stage of the building process I’m tying up lots of loose ends and checking things off of the to-do list. I started by making a length of coax that will go where I had intended to put the balun in the previous antenna arrangement. I mounted the cabin heat box in the hole that I made last time, and came up with a diffuser to help direct the air down a little bit. I suspect that I’ll want to make something more substantial later, but it may take some testing to decide for sure. To make this version, I started with poster board.
Then I flattened out the paper and made an aluminum version
Then I bent that aluminum blank to shape.
This is where it sits:
After a lunch break I drilled the diffuser and the firewall and installed the diffuser with rivets. I took apart the Vans carb heat flange, since I’m going to need to change the angle of the incoming duct. I made a few holes in the baffles for the rivets that will secure the rubber to the top of the baffles. Later in the afternoon Tabitha came over and helped mask the cowling for stripes.