Today we were both back out at the hangar. Tabitha continued with adding tapes to the fuselage, while I continued with getting the right wing onto the rotisserie. Here’s what one end of the rotisserie looks like. The double 2x4s stick into the wing by at least two center ribs to spread out the load. The lag bolt in the center is long enough to go through the double chord-wise 2x4s.
The wings sure are dirty! This is a picture of the bottom even.
I taped the inspection holes to keep the various solutions out of the inside of the wing.
The process is to first wash it with the Polyfiber alkaline cleaner and a fine scotchbrite pad, then a phosphoric acid-based etching compound. The biggest hassle has been removing the residue from the plastic adhesive that had been on the aluminum to protect it from scratches. There were several very small spots that became obvious after etching, since they were still shiny when the rest of the aluminum is dulled slightly.
Here’s a before and after on the top of the right wing.
While I did that, Tabitha worked on taping the right side of the fuselage.